Our Story

Shift Group originated in 2021 as a collective of emergency service shift workers seeking part-time work to supplement their income. Initially serving as a brokerage, we connected skilled tradespeople from within the emergency services to residential and commercial clients on building projects. Recognising the demand for a more streamlined and efficient approach, we transitioned into a project management-based model, bringing together a diverse range of trades within our network.

In response to the evolving needs of our clients, we swiftly adapted to handle tasks that required multiple trades. Leveraging our network of skilled professionals, we were able to coordinate and complete projects more efficiently than larger, less specialised groups.

In early 2023, as our client base expanded and our reputation for reliable service grew, Josh took the leap and left his job as a full time firefighter to join the business full-time. At the start of 2024, Cody left his job as a senior project manager and joined Shift Group full-time. Josh and Cody’s skillsets complement each other, with Josh's strategic vision and client focus and Cody's meticulous project management and execution skills.

This growth has allowed us to start building our dream team to better support our current clients, and position ourselves for future clients and projects.

Looking ahead, our focus on growth centres around delivering high-quality building projects with dedicated professional oversight while ensuring our clients have a single point of contact for a seamless experience.

Our Vision

To be a trusted name in the New Zealand building industry, recognised for our problem-solving abilities and ongoing commitment to our clients. We strive to foster a strong team culture based on honesty and integrity, ensuring exceptional service and quality in every project we undertake.